Friday 3 October 2014


It's Friday...

Am sure someone somewhere is contemplating (on whether to join friends for a drink or head home) this is so true...I can bet 99% on this. Anyway, whatever choice you make, be safe and just don't regret....ya'll know what that means I guess.?

Whichever choice you make be it the first or the second, definitely you will have to look good right? I mean even while at home, you have to look yummy!!!

This amazing lace romper jumpsuit just made me smile and wished that I could be the one rocking hell yeahhhh...

Pic courtesy: Romper jumpsuits - Rihanna

Found this amazing outfit from Rihanna's pics and decided damn...this look is to die for especially if going out. I find it simple and very classy. And I mean, a girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous ~ Coco Chanel. 

I always believe for one to stand out, you just have to keep it simple and be yourself....that's the beauty in it. I just love Rihanna's EVERYTHING!!! No homo though...

Pic courtesy : Whereto get it

Ever heard of this quote, Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world? This can only come to reality when you have this pair of nude heels....always remember that style comes from is dynamic. It changes like something else. 

The ripped off jeans is to die for right? Then the nude pumps LORD!!! Then that black gun bag just make this whole outfit out of this world honestly speaking!!

-Ripped off jeans
-Gun bag
-Nude pumps
-Lace romper jumpsuit

Back to the contemplation, remember? whether to go home or meet up with friends? guess the latter will be the case for a Friday...after looking at the outfits then you'll be like 'let's do this'...and look like a baus!

So you see, Contemplation seems to be the only luxury that cost nothing!

Lovely weekend lovelies...