Monday 7 September 2015


What's your wardrobe like? what color dominates it?

The color Black can never miss in someone's wardrobe. That I am so sure..back in the day we'd associate this color with death...someone's funeral. It's no longer the case..I have attended a wedding that the maids wore Black...I mean it all depends with how you pair it.

Silk Blend Blazer.

The blazer changes everything about this outfit. It's all black but since the blazer has some color, it changes the whole look!                                                                                                                                                

As they said, you can never go wrong with Black.

Jacquard Dress

The simplicity in this dress just wins.

Trying to keep it chic and classy? Then this particular dress is nothing but the best. 

I always believe that, The joy of dressing is an Art.!

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