Tuesday 20 September 2016


We all have those outfits that we love to wear. It could be because it's a designer, and it cost you an arm and a leg. Or it could be it just has this perfect fit which in most cases is the reason why people tend to like a certain outfit more than the other outfits.

So you get up, decide to wear your most expensive outfit, and you realize that it's picked up dust. If you get to invest in a steamer, then you are good to go! It will save you the hustle.

The Steamer.

Get your repair kit right

One morning, you wake up, and this expensive dress you intended to wear is torn, not something major but then the hems can be seen (which can be very annoying). So all you need to do is mend it right? But how can you do that if you don't have a proper repair kit? Get safety pins, buttons, different colors of threads, scissors, marker pens all that will come in handy one day to save the procrastination that we all tend to do. Not everyone likes to go to a cobbler, tailor just because you feel that's a waist of time. Well, if you have this kit, then you will always have your outfits on point!

Stock on staples

I am 100% sure that we all have those outfits that clashes with nearly everything in our wardrobes. But funny thing is, when we bought it, we thought it's the best outfit ever to own!(I am a victim to this)  Well, most of the time this happens when we do the impulse buying. You out on a vacation with your girlfriends and all you doing is a shopping spree (which we all like) you see this nice outfit and you can afford it, so you go a head and buy it. Months later you realize you can't find any outfit to pair with. So what happens? you just leave it hanging. 

To avoid having a pile of such pieces that's always a nightmare to pair, invest in neutrals. Neutrals in one's wardrobe is always a plus!

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