Thursday 23 June 2016

Gimme some Warmth!!

It's not even funny this's something else...what!!

Crazy thing is it gets colder each and everyday! So all you need to do is dress up warm sure most of the people will really try to be warm but wonder how on earth will I still look stylish and professional at the same time. Especially if you are employed. Well, I have some trendy warm wear for you that you should give it a try.

Cardigan with a fridge trim.

You can throw in this to your outfit and automatically change the look but stay warm without trying so much.

Patterned Coat.

This is a classic look....and stylish too.The color too is warm.

Hooded wolen coat

If your organization is a bit flexible in terms of dress code, this hoodie can be paired with some jeans for that TGIF dress code.

Drapped cardigan

Never liked this cardigan but with this kind of weather, I don't mind. It comes in so handy!

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