Thursday 7 August 2014


I feel so bad that lately I have not blogged! Not a good thing I would say but trust me...I have been swamped with work and hardly have I gotten time to blog.

So this week has been so hectic but I managed to laugh...I mean life is too short not to have fun and be super happy!

Monday is here...

Obviously this day of the week is just SICK!! It's one of those days you get to the office and you're like,"Oh shit...the boss had better not be calling me for a meeting!" Only to get a call from him that you need to have a meeting from 10:00am to 12.00pm!! How seriously? Okay that aside, (the complaining) what you have to do is prepare for that meeting. You get into that boardroom and you BLANK..BLANK! So what you do is just agree to everything he has to say...remember you had carried a note book and a pen just in case you needed to note down something. You leave the meeting having written nothing but the date! (am sure that has ever happened to you).

Tuesday is here...

You get to the office feeling least you can afford to accommodate jokes and laugh your ass out mmhh? This is the day you feel like oh I need to work on that report before my boss is on my case. You start working on some point during the day you decide that can wait a what do you do? You log in to all the social networks you're in...(Facebook, twitter, Linkedin) at least those are the ones I will log into. Only to realize that it's 1530Hrs...remember you hadn't done shit on that report thingy! So that day is gone!

Wednesday is here....

Tuesday's energy is now no more! you begin to do your own things thinking that you're actually working on the report and yeah all that work that had a timeline...this is when you know that procrastination is not the best teacher.. afternoon is here... and you notice the lethargy is checking in and it's REAL! Before you realize, the tea girl is there..."you want a cup of tea?" amused, you check up the time and you realize it's a few minutes to home time...(I can imagine the feeling...or should I say that look you had?)

Thursday is here....

It's Thursday...then you will be like, "Aaaahh tomorrow is Friday..I can do this report and finish up before next week...(next week means you have the weekend to finish up...right?). A friend decides to visit and get into that relax mode. He/she calls so that you can hook up for a couple of drinks and, you end up having the "couple of drinks" end up getting home late...Friday you have to fight the hangover...but you will be like aaarggghh tomorrow is yeah!

Friday is here...

Remember the meeting you had on Monday? Am sure you do, right? (but I really doubt if you remember anything that was discussed). Okay that boot your computer and you see your outlook's send/receive is "busy"..only to open the first email and you're like shutttt!!! That's a reminder of today's meeting!!!! You've not done it and you don't know anything about it...this is when your troubles starts getting real! Remember you still haven't done the report because you kept procrastinating it...

You know how that will end, right? And truth be told weekends you can't finish up all the deadline....right?

Just to leave you with my inspirational quote for this week, "Fashion has always been a reputation of ideas...but what makes it new is the way you put it together." So rule no.1 when it comes to fashion, always wear what you want to wear.

Have a beautiful evening lovelies...(just wondering why we can't say friendries like we say lovelies...anyway just being silly).

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