Friday 28 March 2014

Stop the Cliche...

Are you the kinda person who is so predictable? and by this I mean what you do, the way you dress and all that entails you as an individual?

I will always mention the wardrobe...don't be so predictable to an extent that people notice when you add an outfit to your wardrobe. You get into a place and everyone is like mmhh this is a new one! I mean you have this particular outfit that you like to wear and every Friday, I can bet you will have it on (exactly how I saw or met you last Friday). Hey hey be different for once you don't wanna tell me it's always accidental that I see you in the same outfit on the same day.

It's a Friday or a Monday and this is what I should wear....this is how you end up being predictable. It's okay to have a particular dress code for different days but hey who said you have to wear the same same outfit....? Play around with what you have...if you had worn a trouser with a top..then next time, if you want to dress the same, try pairing the trouser with a different top (am sure this is possible). Try and be different...that's all about style and fashion. Invest in good outfits that can be dressed down and paired with any other piece and still look glam.

Don't be the likes of 'aahh' I know today she will wear her blue/black trouser and her yellow/blue top and oohh her usual 'Friday/Monday best shoes'. I mean be's only when you nude (and am sure no one can be sane and let this walk naked) and/or in an institution that wears uniform...My point exactly is please if you into fashion and style try to be different in any way possible. That is why sometimes back I said being stylish comes from an individual and fashion can be bought.

 Wanna know how to always look different with the little outfits you have? if you love to wear trousers, ensure that you have enough tops to pair the particular bottom (this is of course if your budget does not allow you to shop every month). By doing so, then you are able to have different looks for different days....this is simple...try this and am sure ya'll will thank me later. But if you have the cash, I mean, you can go bonkers in your shopping but hey don't forget to pick outfits that can be dressed down (and by this  I mean, you can wear the same outfit with a little accessories and look totally different). Simple style tips right there...and anyone can achieve this...

Sometimes a gal needs a little style pick-me-up, especially when a shoe-shopping spree isn’t an option....this has always been my thing. Look good, feel good, eat healthy and enjoy everything that fashion has to offer. Just like the bed, it's only for SLEEP and SEX...I like what Lauren Conrad said on how to replicate her style trends in Allure Magazine. This is what she said. "Take any trend you want and relax it. That's how California does it. If it's silk button-up shirts that are in, you probably don't button them all the way, and you cuff a sleeve, you know what I mean? It's almost like how your outfit looks at the end of the day."

It's just like the roll up thing that guys do this days for the skinny jeans...(am also a culprit of this). It's also a style...but it becomes so cliche when everyone does the same right? yes it what do you do? come up with your own style and rock it gal!

Tuesday 25 March 2014


How many times have you woken up in the morning and feel you really don't know what to wear? Am sure this has happened to many if not all...

Do you have that outfit in your wardrobe that don't need to be ironed and very easy to accessorize? if you don't have a little black dress, or a jumpsuit then you need to have this to save you the hustle of what to wear and what not to wear...that feeling of aarghh what to wear now!!

For me the LBD really works...wanna know why? okay this is why, you can wear a blazer and you have that official look and rock your heels. Easy right? this takes only five minutes (at least for's five) and you good to go! To achieve that casual look, you can pair it with flats....and you so so good to hit the streets. If it's dinner, pair it with a long trench coat just to surprise him when you get there (it should be slightly above the knees for that killer look because definitely you have to remove the trench coat...dinner manners! you can't be wearing a trench coat....get a place to hang it and hey hey not behind your seat please...). That's if you decide you going for a short dress...but long dresses for dinner are best for brings out that sophisticated look and chic.

 This was my look for a's that little black dress with a twist....I accessorized the dress with a peach watch and round earrings!

Dress: Brima
Hairstyle: Moza, Kenwood hse.
Make-up: Own

After all 'one is never over-dressed or under-dressed with a Little Black Dress.'Just make sure you accessorize it well.

The jumpsuit is also one of my favorites after the little black dress because it's so easy to rock. Did you know you can even wear it to work? oh yes you can...just make sure you wear it right. On a Friday is just the best day to dress in a jumpsuit if heading to the office. Pair it with a boyfriend jacket, get the bold necklaces and pearl earrings and you know what? you will kill the look trust me...just don't let it to be too tight otherwise you will look like you're trying too much! Get your pair of heels to complete this look...

This was my look for an easy Saturday...up and about.

Nude jumpsuit: Brima
Hairstyle: Moza, Kenwood hse.
Nude shoes: Marie Claire
Black Cross bag: Susen

Always remember that as a girl or lady you  should be two things: classy and fabulous...So you better do something and am sure ya'll will thank me later (if you really are true to yourself then you can thank me....).

Don't forget that 'Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.'Just ensure that you get the right outfits for your body size otherwise you will be uncomfortable all day if you don't get the right outfits....

Friday 21 March 2014

Style secrets

You really don't have to wear designer clothes to look stylish and modern....the reason why am saying this is because we have different classes of people. We have the high class, middle class and the low class. So you know where exactly you  fit in...

Let me give you an example, you've gone shopping with this shopper holic and she only picks designer clothes or the most expensive outfits in that particular mall. You don't wanna look cheap either, you decide you will also buy an outfit, not because you really like it but because it's a designer (Moschino,Valentino, them!). You pick one piece and you are totally broke! Remember that is just one shop you've been, you still have like five to six malls to go.... it was a girls shopping spree  remember?...(am sure after all this you will be a broke ass chic...I swear!).

She is the real shopper holic....she is being herself after all don't be her if you can't maintain the's always one step at a time.

Be yourself...don't try and be someone else. What I am trying to say is, you can get fabulous outfits that are not designers and still look stunning....(but am not saying you go for any cheap piece of cloth you come across with....remember also, cheap is expensive). So make sure you always go for your best...once in a while spoil yourself. Don't be a person who never spends on herself but when it comes to maybe liquor you spend like madness...of course you have to look good while out there. So start with buying outfits for yourself, then look gorgeous while out there!

Anyone knows exactly their style and it's very easy. If you can get a place that sales your favourite outfits for an affordable price, then you good to go! I will give you an example of a lady....Sophia Amoruso who is now a current C.E.O (Subversive Fashion Brand). She knew exactly where to get her affordable outfits and still look amazing....this led her to becoming a C.E.O in a fashion brand. (for more of this follow this link

So there you go...the little style secrets indeed comes from an individual. But please always try and be unique in your own way.  The thing with fashion is, it will come and everyone will want to be in 'the in thing' it's so cliche....and you know what, you end up looking like people in a 'school' know what this means, I can mistake you with some I saw with the same outfit because it's worn exactly the same..... I will give you an example, the up do hairstyle (I call Kim K's style) is all over town right now...every lady wants to have not saying you shouldn't do it but , know how to have it done with a twist in it! The other common thing is the goodness it's all over...but a few wear it right (and by right I mean, without showing the bra straps). It's very easy, get a bra strap clip and avoid the embarrassment of having to show all colors of bras your wearing.

'If you can’t be better than your competition, just dress better.'

Thursday 20 March 2014

Fashion Throwback

Fashions fade, but style is eternal.......!

Just how can you ensure that you always maintain that glam look without trying too much to fit into the 'glam look?''s not an easy thing to do though, am sure if you've been down this line, you will say this words exactly!! (it's not easy, but I try!).

Everything keeps changing and am sure fashion has changed too...gone are the days you'd wear a 'savco' jeans and akalas and hit the club and feel real all eyes on me....!Try this now and you will look like a clown or better still a zombie. Am sure a few people can be spotted wearing the bell-bottoms and that can only be, official wears. It's rear to find casual wears that are bell-bottoms right? All this is all about fashion and style...but the thing that changes is fashion right? style is fact STYLE IS just comes out naturally and that is why, 'Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.'

Take a look at this serious serious throwback....we taking about the 80's and 90' sure no one can spot me in this particular picture...(but I can give a hint...lady in pink....)

Just amazing...this were the days you would dress up and wait for the photographer (oh yes...this was the real thing). Do you notice the hairstyles....too too deadly...are funny enough the hairstyles are did anyone spot me? anyway, away from that...that was then!

Actress, Sophia Loren looking gorgeous....this is a classy 70's and 80's look. The effects on this  picture is something else....(it's to die for...)this was in fashion by then but right now, am sure you can spot a lady dressed like's all about style, and not fashion. You can accessorize it so well and still be able to blend in with the gurus in fashions... 

Am sure everyone has that old old outfit hanging in the wardrobe or folded somewhere....(it does not have to be something could even be the grandma  knickers you have...oh yes) wear them and you feel noooo it should only be worn in the house and no where changes almost yearly remember! All you have to do is shop not because something is in fashion but because, it fits well and compliments your body...not something you wear and your like (I look fat in this...oohhh my tummy ooh yada yada yada) make sure you feel comfy and sexy....

'Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.'