Friday 21 March 2014

Style secrets

You really don't have to wear designer clothes to look stylish and modern....the reason why am saying this is because we have different classes of people. We have the high class, middle class and the low class. So you know where exactly you  fit in...

Let me give you an example, you've gone shopping with this shopper holic and she only picks designer clothes or the most expensive outfits in that particular mall. You don't wanna look cheap either, you decide you will also buy an outfit, not because you really like it but because it's a designer (Moschino,Valentino, them!). You pick one piece and you are totally broke! Remember that is just one shop you've been, you still have like five to six malls to go.... it was a girls shopping spree  remember?...(am sure after all this you will be a broke ass chic...I swear!).

She is the real shopper holic....she is being herself after all don't be her if you can't maintain the's always one step at a time.

Be yourself...don't try and be someone else. What I am trying to say is, you can get fabulous outfits that are not designers and still look stunning....(but am not saying you go for any cheap piece of cloth you come across with....remember also, cheap is expensive). So make sure you always go for your best...once in a while spoil yourself. Don't be a person who never spends on herself but when it comes to maybe liquor you spend like madness...of course you have to look good while out there. So start with buying outfits for yourself, then look gorgeous while out there!

Anyone knows exactly their style and it's very easy. If you can get a place that sales your favourite outfits for an affordable price, then you good to go! I will give you an example of a lady....Sophia Amoruso who is now a current C.E.O (Subversive Fashion Brand). She knew exactly where to get her affordable outfits and still look amazing....this led her to becoming a C.E.O in a fashion brand. (for more of this follow this link

So there you go...the little style secrets indeed comes from an individual. But please always try and be unique in your own way.  The thing with fashion is, it will come and everyone will want to be in 'the in thing' it's so cliche....and you know what, you end up looking like people in a 'school' know what this means, I can mistake you with some I saw with the same outfit because it's worn exactly the same..... I will give you an example, the up do hairstyle (I call Kim K's style) is all over town right now...every lady wants to have not saying you shouldn't do it but , know how to have it done with a twist in it! The other common thing is the goodness it's all over...but a few wear it right (and by right I mean, without showing the bra straps). It's very easy, get a bra strap clip and avoid the embarrassment of having to show all colors of bras your wearing.

'If you can’t be better than your competition, just dress better.'

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