Thursday 20 March 2014

Fashion Throwback

Fashions fade, but style is eternal.......!

Just how can you ensure that you always maintain that glam look without trying too much to fit into the 'glam look?''s not an easy thing to do though, am sure if you've been down this line, you will say this words exactly!! (it's not easy, but I try!).

Everything keeps changing and am sure fashion has changed too...gone are the days you'd wear a 'savco' jeans and akalas and hit the club and feel real all eyes on me....!Try this now and you will look like a clown or better still a zombie. Am sure a few people can be spotted wearing the bell-bottoms and that can only be, official wears. It's rear to find casual wears that are bell-bottoms right? All this is all about fashion and style...but the thing that changes is fashion right? style is fact STYLE IS just comes out naturally and that is why, 'Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.'

Take a look at this serious serious throwback....we taking about the 80's and 90' sure no one can spot me in this particular picture...(but I can give a hint...lady in pink....)

Just amazing...this were the days you would dress up and wait for the photographer (oh yes...this was the real thing). Do you notice the hairstyles....too too deadly...are funny enough the hairstyles are did anyone spot me? anyway, away from that...that was then!

Actress, Sophia Loren looking gorgeous....this is a classy 70's and 80's look. The effects on this  picture is something else....(it's to die for...)this was in fashion by then but right now, am sure you can spot a lady dressed like's all about style, and not fashion. You can accessorize it so well and still be able to blend in with the gurus in fashions... 

Am sure everyone has that old old outfit hanging in the wardrobe or folded somewhere....(it does not have to be something could even be the grandma  knickers you have...oh yes) wear them and you feel noooo it should only be worn in the house and no where changes almost yearly remember! All you have to do is shop not because something is in fashion but because, it fits well and compliments your body...not something you wear and your like (I look fat in this...oohhh my tummy ooh yada yada yada) make sure you feel comfy and sexy....

'Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.'

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