Wednesday 23 April 2014

To all you my fans!!

I must admit that lately I have not been blogging and I feel that I have really disappointed my avid readers. But you know what, not to worry beautiful people.

I'll explain...

I have been so busy lately and of course doing some serious research on style and fashion tips for every body size...

.....why body size?

This is because, body size will determine which outfits one can look good in and which ones are just not for certain body sizes.I don't wanna be mean and just have pictures of me....(this won't be fair right?) of course YES! So what I will do is I will make sure ya'll enjoy reading this blog and get the tips of style and fashion.

That said...

How do I get this done?

Simple....*hands down*

Give tips for all body sizes and have pictures of the outfits...

What's funny is, TOO MANY PEOPLE make this same mistake.....

When I say 'people' I mean the bloggers (I being one of them)..but I will try to make sure that I get other people to model some of the outfits...not an easy thing I will say!

What I mean is, I shouldn't just have me featured in all the updates...I should also have different people in it....different body sizes and yeahhh all the other differences when it comes to body size.Not to worry dear fans...I will not disappoint...but before we get there, hope all you will appreciate what I do when it comes to style and fashion...(now give me that smiley face).

One of my favorites quotes by Lady Gaga....crazy but very true!“A girl’s got to use what she’s given and I’m not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don’t say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It’s meant to make guys think: ‘I don’t know if this is sexy or just weird.”

In short what I mean is, love what you have and do it to your best then you know what? the rest will follow....

My beautiful all that said, I hope am forgiven for not blogging for a week? Look am even signing this....



But hey always have this when it comes to style:

'Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.' 
                                                              - Orson Welles

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Importance of TLC's...(you will thank me later)

Beautiful people it's one day to the long holiday...Easter holiday and just an advice...please don't drink and drive. Instead get a designated driver and avoid the alcoblow thingy!(it's a nightmare I tell you!!!)

Am listening to some serious old school hits and it's really driving me actually brings the weekend closer....what!

A way from the jams and  safe driving....I wanna talk about style. Am sure by now every avid reader of this blog knows what Kendy does best right?(I blog and give tips on fashion and style).

Today am super excited and rejuvenated! Dunno why but I just feel wow....could it be this song that am listening to...'Gorilla' by Bruno Mars, or it's just today that am in that feel good mood? Too many questions, one true answer....

Let's get to serious often do you go for those manicures and pedicures? let's be honest here...are you the kinda person who only goes for this TLC's when you have an occasion like a wedding and it happens that you are one of the maids? it actually happens doesn't it? YES it does.
Beauty and style are related in a way so allow me to also share some of this beauty tips for one to look stylish and elegant.Do the manicures and pedicures more often if you are the type of person who loves to say 'aah will go do my nails next week or ahh they still look good....'.Make it a routine, especially if you love to wear open shoes or the peep toes. When your nails are well done, then it compliments you.!

“It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten.” ―Anna Wintour. So always make sure that you look good from head to toe...why do you think we say from head to toe? it's not just having good goes a long way. So ensure that your toes are proper! When it comes to fashion and style, am so ladies, get yourself a good massage and  some nice pedicure and manicure this will boost your self sure you will all thank me later. Style is all about the details...Like poetry, fashion does not state anything. It merely suggests” ― Karl Lagerfeld

It's very easy to maintain fashion but very hard to maintain style. Fashions fade but style is eternal....
“Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.”
—Sophia Loren. This is the quote that has kept me going when it comes to style. Do you know why I say fashion is easy to maintain? just hold on and I will answer that. Style on the other hand is all about an individual and the creativity. So, back to fashion, one can posses all the latest trends when it comes to outfits but very hard to look all glam (am sure you know what I look really nice!). You can get yourself a very expensive outfit but you don't know how to rock's just because you saw your girlfriend with it and you think hell also buying that outfit. You forget that outfits should compliment a persons character....yeah yeah this is so true.

I will give you an example. This multicolored trousers,'s just all over town..maybe because it's cheap I don't know but's just too too much....I stopped wearing mine!and this was reason why I stopped wearing it....

“So soon as a fashion is universal, it is out of date. ― Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


Tuesday 15 April 2014

All about shoes..

I have this thing for high heels and no matter what, it's always my number one ''check''..when going somewhere!

Christian Louboutin is one of my favorite I would say...he is known for the 'red sole'. His shoes are  to die for.(But of course not all my shoes are louboutin....if I decided to do that, then HE will be broke!) Once in a while...yeah it's allowed to get a surprise gift.

My next you know (can't wait to own them). Am sure ya'll know it's like an investment getting the original also look like a 'good weapon'...(I think so)

This pigalle spike shoe is to die for what! It's so cool and you can rock it with any outfit....ever heard of this phrase, "Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.'' - Marilyn Monroe....

“Whoever said that money can't buy happiness, simply didn't know where to go shopping”

The master of the red sole...“I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!” It could be him you know?

Check out my latest collection of shoes....ain't bragging but yeah yeah am going to be rocking them a good one!

I totally love this shoe...

Tips on when and how to wear them.
  • Since it's black, you can wear it with any color and that's is why I went for a black color.
  • You can wear it anywhere, anytime as long as you are comfortable with the size of the heel(Kendy is comfortable are you or will you?)
  • When you want to have that sexy look, wear a pencil skirt...this shoes will make your legs appear longer.

Can you see the difference of having heels on and just wearing flat shoes?

The first picture, my legs appear shorter while the second picture, my legs appear longer... it's the same dress but a different look when paired with high, before meets after!!

  • You can also wear a pencil trouser and pair it with this pair of shoe...this will totally make you look sexy and yeah...ya'll know what heels can do to a woman?the walking style is perfected-not unless you don't wear heels often, then your walking style will be please, go for the right heel size.
  • Ensure you have a good pedicure since the shoe is a peep toe...

Just like the above shoes, you can rock any outfit with this pair. Black is always the best color to go for.Very easy to pair and it being suede, just completes the look.

For me high heels is a must in a lady's wardrobe.No brainer!

So just like poetry, fashion does not state anything. It merely suggests.

Grab yourself a pair of heels and rock them to your preference!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Kendy's: More about Outfits....

Kendy's: More about Outfits....: It's been a while since I blogged....just realized that it's been a week since I did this. But anyway, it happens sometimes. Okay ok...

Tuesday 8 April 2014

More about Outfits....

It's been a while since I blogged....just realized that it's been a week since I did this. But anyway, it happens sometimes. Okay okay away from the TMI...

It's all about style and fashion...I would really like to know what you love to wear and how you dress for any meeting, function, appointments....or should I just say quitter la maison....

Take a look at my look for an expo....

Stripped shirt: Truworths
Mustard trouser: G spot shop,Jamia
Hairstyle: Moza
Pearl drop earrings: Moza's collection
Nude doll shoes: Marie claire

I decided to fold up my sleeves to have that smart casual look..of course as a woman you have to look good at all times....always remember that, when you dress shabbily people will remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.”

That was my look for a conference sure if you are a fun of this blog, you might have come across this dress code....maybe I should give tips for short skirts and dresses...please if you opt for a short skirt or dress....make sure you wax your legs...I mean you don't want to be confused with the guy your next to just in case a pen drops or a paper!!

Don't make people say...(the guy who saw you dress), “I never saw anybody take so long to dress, and with such little result.” Am sure you know what this means....being stylish does not mean only the dress goes a long ladies please wax your legs to get that flawless look in the little tiny dresses or skirts. Don't compare yourself with your guy....they are allowed to be hairy...and I mean the legs!!

This was our look for a football match...the look should just be comfortable! My little one with her "Thing" top...she's already following my steps (like being into fashion and style yah). The outfits are from Mr. Price...
Another thing, if you are wearing a sleeveless top....please make sure you shave your armpits!!it's so annoying when you're out there and you try to reach for something and then you notice that everyone is ogling you....not because you are smart, but because your armpit is so hairy and smelly!! (get a good roll on...).

My indoor look....easy like a Sunday morning....simple...please note that the t-shirt is fitting...not those big big t-shirts that look like dress tops...(ain't hating on them but, mmh you have to dress appropriately if you are stylish...) But of course you don't go to bed with tight clothes...(read more about the effects of tight under pants for men and women).

Hairstyle: Moza.

So always surprise your wardrobe with amazing outfits...Am so sure everyone loves being smart and you know what? always have this quote by Sophie Kinsella, confessions of a shopaholic....“I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes everyday, I reckon depression wouldn’t exist anymore.” Which is so true....