Tuesday 1 April 2014

What you din't know.....

Ladies please follow you man to the bedroom...it's actually healthy!

You have that perfect outfit that shows off your curves and all the 'goodies'...yeah yeah am sure you know what am talking about..Invest in good lingerie and surprise him often. Don't be the kinda person who only wears those big promo t-shirts (Nokia, Milo, Always...and blah blah blah...) and have that feeling of all is well....what you can do with this big t-shirts is wear them without nada and I mean...just the t-shirt and no bottom...

Are you the kinda person who sleeps with a jacket, torn socks and those shady shady nets  you use to cover your head while sleeping??? hope not because this is not only annoying but it's also not being sexy at all...I mean let your hair breath and avoid that bad smell because of too much sweating. The bedroom is meant for relaxing and to have that feel good mood (****). Get yourself some nice lingerie and you know what this will totally give you that confidence...you will learn to love your body size(big,small whatever body size you are) .So please dress appropriately while in your love nest...you don't have to have someone to dress this way.....you can love yourself and feel relaxed!!

If you are into style and fashion am sure this is just a tip of the ice berg hmm...as a lady you should always smell good...and I mean always.....dress well and feel good!

You could be asking yourself questions like, okay so now how is this related to women following their men to the bedroom right?? am sure if you are intelligent you will know what am talking about...just don't follow him and you don't have surprises for him...and this surprise is based on style totally!!...ever heard of beautiful girls and sexy lingerie are a killer combo?? now that you know, can you please please stop wearing those big big things while in the bedroom (this is just an advice).

If he happens to take you out to the beach or any other swimming place, please and I repeat, don't go there wearing your biker and a t-shirt!!!!!that's a NO! That's why we have lingerie.....have your best (you never know that could be the only time you get to flaunt those curves you know!!)....am sure all of you readers if not all know where to buy this little naughty naughty things that makes his mind go gaga!!

Add up your wardrobe today ladies....and as I always say, 'I like my money right where I can see it: hanging in my closet.'.....


  1. Good piece..and great effort. I too have a blog and can tell you for sure its tough to generate content at the early stages

  2. Thanks Anthony....I try but it's so hard to get contents.
