Wednesday 23 April 2014

To all you my fans!!

I must admit that lately I have not been blogging and I feel that I have really disappointed my avid readers. But you know what, not to worry beautiful people.

I'll explain...

I have been so busy lately and of course doing some serious research on style and fashion tips for every body size...

.....why body size?

This is because, body size will determine which outfits one can look good in and which ones are just not for certain body sizes.I don't wanna be mean and just have pictures of me....(this won't be fair right?) of course YES! So what I will do is I will make sure ya'll enjoy reading this blog and get the tips of style and fashion.

That said...

How do I get this done?

Simple....*hands down*

Give tips for all body sizes and have pictures of the outfits...

What's funny is, TOO MANY PEOPLE make this same mistake.....

When I say 'people' I mean the bloggers (I being one of them)..but I will try to make sure that I get other people to model some of the outfits...not an easy thing I will say!

What I mean is, I shouldn't just have me featured in all the updates...I should also have different people in it....different body sizes and yeahhh all the other differences when it comes to body size.Not to worry dear fans...I will not disappoint...but before we get there, hope all you will appreciate what I do when it comes to style and fashion...(now give me that smiley face).

One of my favorites quotes by Lady Gaga....crazy but very true!“A girl’s got to use what she’s given and I’m not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don’t say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It’s meant to make guys think: ‘I don’t know if this is sexy or just weird.”

In short what I mean is, love what you have and do it to your best then you know what? the rest will follow....

My beautiful all that said, I hope am forgiven for not blogging for a week? Look am even signing this....



But hey always have this when it comes to style:

'Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.' 
                                                              - Orson Welles

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