Thursday 27 February 2014

Evening dresses with sexy backs!

Every woman loves to feel good and sexy at the same time..that's why today I would love to share one of my favorite evening dresses from my closet...

Pic taken: Outside Jankam Tailoring, Kenwood house.

This particular evening dress was tailor made and it just came out to my expectations. I looked for a design from the internet and I was so particular...."pics of sexy long evening dresses". I saved the pictures and printed the best, and this was the design. I don't really have a particular color and so it was really difficult to settle on a color that will compliment my skin color. But finally I settled for's more chic and elegant!

My tailor was really challenged when I first gave her the design. I insisted that I really loved the design and couldn't wait to own it! She asked me to give her two weeks...I didn't mind. I just kept telling her that it should look exactly the same like the pics I had given her. That is just me. I love perfection...and for those of you who ever watched Peter Perfect on E would know what am talking about....he loved perfection in his work. Kimora Lee the same thing, she loves perfection!

Take a look at it's back....this was my idea...I decided to cover up and not to show too much skin.

The outcome was to my expectation...!!

The dress had a cocktail was slightly longer just like those dresses celebs wear for the red carpet hmm I thought so!! the difference was only that the pic was taken next to a door and no red carpet......

Dress made by: Mary, Jankam Tailoring, Kenwood House, 4th floor.

Fabric: Stretch

Decor: Indian decoration

The shoes I wore for the evening were silver wedge shoes that were really comfortable...I loved them.

My jewelery was silver...that just tells you how much Kendy loves silver...for the evening I only wore the silver earrings and my gold rings since my dress had a bit of Indian decor that was gold...I also mix and match just like Rihanna!!(smiling***)

Jewelery bought from: Gowns and Roses shop, Diamond plaza, Parklands

Shoes bought from: Backyard shop, Jamia Mall.

This is how my hair was done for the evening....

I loved the's so make-up person doing her thing right sure by now you all know who she is right?

Make-up by: Moza Mohamed

For more tips on fashion and style, follow me on twitter,

Lovely Thursday!!

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