Thursday 31 July 2014

Shoe Heaven..

This is what I do when am bored...take pictures of anything. Just in case you missed out on my last are some of the pictures, but strictly shoes!

Decided to be creative, and took this shot! It turned out to be amazing..

The heel is just perfect! I can actually run with this shoes! very comfortable I must say.

Red shoes: M&M Collection

I don't know who invented high heels, but women owe him a lot ~ Merilyn Monroe

Pink shoes: G-spot shop

Backyard shoes

The higher the better.It's more about an attitude.High heels empower women in a way. ~ Christain Louboutin

Lovely evening lovelies!

Wednesday 30 July 2014

It's the detail...

What are the little little things you spice up your look with?

Is it makeup...? accessories...(which by the way for men is simple...designer watch..!!). For a lady it's kinda unpredictable..

This were my thing to always do is, If the color fits, wear it!

See the details? the watch, the ring, the red nails...wait and the 'M' just above the pocket..

Just make everything simple as possible, but not simpler!

A little smile won't actually drives people crazzzzzyyyyy. So always smile! People will stare, make it worth their while ~ Harry Winston.

... Notice the colors I had...*hope I ain't a rainbow*. Let's count them...1. Blue 2. Peach 3.Mustard 4.White 5.Black 6.Brown 7.Red....(see...the rainbow has 7 colors). I loved the colors because they just look so so cool...

Mustard pants: G-spot shop
Polka top: G-spot shop
Black (animal print) suede shoes: Backyard shoes
Watch: Moza

Don't I just loveeeee this shoe!

It being a a bit before I keep repeating myself, I will leave at that..hope you all enjoyed your Eid Mubarak...Muslim or Not!

Monday 28 July 2014

Red is the color of extremes.

The color RED is the color of's the color of passionate love. Ever wondered why the color is so popular? Just a quick many countries have the color red in their national flags? many, right? Kenya is one of them! You can give the other examples later....

Ever heard of this saying...."When in doubt wear red..?" also, in case of doubt, overdress! And by overdressing I mean, decide to do the mix and match thingy! Ever found yourself wearing for example a red jacket, black dress, red earrings, black watch, red shoes, black handbag, red lip, red bra...(hides) and maybe even have you knickers being red.! Take a look at this lady..who happens to be me!!!!!

Red trench coat: H&M
Red heels: M&M
Black and white dress: Brima

Now that selfies have been trending...I introduce *flawies* see the shoes right there taken next to the flower..and hence that name flawies...or should I say *FLOWERIES*...nah it doesn't sound dope! so I will go for flawies...
Shoes collection: M&M 

Red Moschino: M&M 

Valentine's day is always associated with this color because it's romantic...but then, since you don't want to be "people wear red" on this particular day which by the way is so cliche..many people decide to be just normal...which is by the way so cool...I mean why wear red only on this day? Love is in the air C'mon!!!

Back to my red dress code....

As a lady you can't afford to miss this color in your's not only the LBD...LRD should also be among your little little dresses.

The holiday is super excited!!

Thanks for dropping by yah!

Sunday 27 July 2014

Another day, another smile!

I just let my imagination lead me to this combination of grey and pink...and not forgetting, some red and black. At first I thought no this can't blend but I was also in just turned out to be AMAZING!

A quick look at the combination...hope you love them and of course you can try it and see how it turns out.

Red Chanel skinny belt: Truworths

"Elegant is not what you wear, and it's not about how you wear it, but it's more about who you are."
Alber Elbaz

Grey Hi-Lo dress:Some random buy..
Pink boyfriend jacket: G-spot shop

Studded peep toe heels: Backyard shoes

White Christian Dior watch: MOZA

One advice for the lovers of Fashion and Style; Don't change to fit the fashion, change the fashion to fit you...and that's inescapable beauty!

The weekend is over...but looking forward to the holiday on Tuesday...typical Kenyan! We love holidays...and you know what that means? *It's rhetoric, I wouldn't need an answer*

Saturday 26 July 2014

If you love it, style it!

If there is one thing I love to do, is take pictures. It's something I love doing..and yeah for those who know me, am sure they can attest to the kinda  person who will literally stop you to take a picture of me! That is madness right? I don't think so....

Anyway to cut the story short..have a look at this particular look and how I accessorized it.....

Blue peplum dress: Brima
Black trench coat: One of those random buys..
Brown skinny belt: G-spot shop
Pink pointed shoes: G-spot shop
Watch: Christian Dior (MOZA)

Step out in style...! If you've been following up my blog, am sure you know that this month it's all about color....and this particular pair of shoe is just impeccable!

And finally my look was as seen...thanks to the photographer....*hides*

And that's my style secret....but please bare with my's not all that glam..*hides* 

Have a lovely evening guys...

Saturday 19 July 2014

# I'm talking Brooches....!

I love to try out new things and lately, I have this thing for brooches. YES brooches...I can tell that look you now have when you hear of the name brooch.....(amused right?)...don't be...!

So are brooches only for the old ladies? I don't think so! Brooches were hot on the recent let's revisit......

Some tips for my avid readers...these are the ways you can rock that vintage brooch and still look amazing and also trendy! 

1. Brooch as a hair accessory

That was me being dolled up......for that classy and sophisticated look...get an up-do hairstyle then clip the brooch sideways and you good to go!(I didn't have the brooch here but am sure you get what I mean..right?) Wear your red lipstick and have your classy look in less than five minutes.

2. Brooch with a scarf

My new combo for scarfs and trust me, it has become more of an obsession....I mean a lady should always be two things; Classy and's very easy to achieve this...just have your scarf...have the ties...then clip the brooch! As easy as that....

3. Brooch with a necklace

Pair the above brooch with a gold/silver chain....

Either of the two would look best...just have your chain/necklace and insert the brooch so that it looks like a pendant and you have your amazing look! Especially if wearing a strapless outfit...the brooch will automatically spice up the look! 

If you happen to have can decide to have it as a choker then have the brooch appear on the side...get a thin scarf, insert the brooch and tie it on your neck! I did this and it turned out to be lovely...what you need to do is have that perfect up-do hairstyle...then a little makeup to achieve that smokey eye effect and then some nude lipstick-perfect! Ever heard of this saying, "Nudity is beautiful?"

4. Brooch with a sash 

You have attended weddings at some point or it happens that you are one of the maids and you need to wear this maxi dress that you bought. How do you make it look stylish?
This is what you do....if you are one of the maids and the bride insists that you guys have to wear clothes with a sash (which to me I find it so cliche...), then get a brooch that compliments with the color theme...tie a knot with the sash, then add the brooch...!

5. Brooch with a blazer

Another fab want to spice up that 'all white look' which is of course the fashion trend as we speak! Then have a simple brooch with a bit of color and spice up that blazer and look like a boss!

So what you need to do is 'you gotta act like a woman and think like a man' I second Jennifer Hudson on that!!! And that's my style secret....what you need to do is just let your imagination go wild and see what comes of it!

Lovely weekend guys!!

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Color my World....

I love trying out new things and this particular colors got my attention and decided I will buy them! No...I actually bought them...nooo I actually own them now!!!!



I saw this particular bag and I was like 'ulalala' gonna buy you babey! And I did...


PRADA....don't you just love it!! The yellow is just spectacular I must stands the trick will be, your dress code should have minimal color then just carry this amazing prada handbag and you good to hit the road...kinda reminded me of this jam..."Hit the road jack...and don't you come back no more no more no more no more.......and don't you come back no moreeeeeeeee". I don't know how that song is related to this but for sure, it crossed my mind as I was blogging this!!! Anyway thanks to Ray Charles for that hit!


PRADA.....and the color is peach...very cool color. Ahaaaa when I see PRADA...I think Miranda Priestly of "THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA"...I swear this lady is just a boss!!! Remember this conversation....

Miranda: I need 10 or 15 skirts from Calvin Klein....
Andy Sachs: What kind of skirts?
Miranda: Please bore someone else with your questions....

That's why I call her a BOSS with capital letters!!! Poor Andy!!!

Back to my bags......


This is the bag am carrying today....MULTICOLORED and wohooo am loving every glance of it!! What you need to do is limit your colors when it comes to your outfit...and by this I can decide to have one BOLD color then add up this amazing amazing handbag! Otherwise if you have more than two colors you will definitely look like you are the 'rainbow yourself...'

Quote for this week : "Buy well, choose well and do it yourself!" 
Thanks to you Vivienne Westwood for that quote...

Enjoy your week least the ladies can now have back their remotes!! World cup is OVER...and my team GERMANY WON!!! Couldn't get any better....yipppeeee!

Wednesday 9 July 2014

# Re-post!!

Trench coats vs. Jump suits.

Fashion and style is so irresistible....come to think of it, ladies am sure you have that cute trench coat that you always rock with those nice and comfy suede knee boats...YES!

Rock them and have that simple french up-do for your cute hair that could be either done using braids, human hair, natural hair name them...get that Kardashian look ladies....pair it up with a pencil or skinny jeans whatever name you like to call it and have your lil' animal print scarf to complete this simple yet classy look for a chilly weather!!

Trench coats are trendy and can be worn by anyone but best for rainy days!!

For a simple and an edgy look..I would rock this jump suit which is of course my best buy. It's a nude jump suit with a flattering fall neck that just completes the outfit. Want to know where I got it from? well I got it from Jamia Mall...particular stall mmmm can't remember.But it's just perfect!!

I paired it with simple dark nude doll shoes, simple hair do,diva shades  "As Kendy calls them" and the little bag and woo that was my simple and chic look for an easy Saturday with the girls!

Jump suits for a sunny days are the best and every woman should have this in her wardrobe!

Monday 7 July 2014

#Monday things!!


One of those days one feels like time is really look at your watch and it still looks like that minute hand has not moved one bit!

But since today is just one of those days that am really not sure of what to do....I will spend sometime writing something and of course uploading pics to my blog page. It's better than being idol...right?

With me,I have some old pics and recent ones just taken at random and it kinda made me I always say, "A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous"....but of course that's not me who said that....this was a phrase by *Coco Channel*. 

Look: Natural hair spiced up with a little flower band

Feeling sporty I would say...same day but decided to add the sun glasses and I think I killed the look...that's Kendy for you. I really love me!!

Don't you all love that hairstyle? am sure someone if not all love the hair...wanna know my hairdresser? okay okay in a minute...initially the hair didn't have the fringe...but since I wanted to have a different look, decided to comb it in a different style...and boom! it just came out perfectly!!! thanks to style network.....

Hairdresser: Moza
Earrings: Pearls (Moza)

The polka of my best tops....

Up and about look....

Allow me to say, this what I had for you guys...just pics....

Enjoy your week guys!!!