Saturday 19 July 2014

# I'm talking Brooches....!

I love to try out new things and lately, I have this thing for brooches. YES brooches...I can tell that look you now have when you hear of the name brooch.....(amused right?)...don't be...!

So are brooches only for the old ladies? I don't think so! Brooches were hot on the recent let's revisit......

Some tips for my avid readers...these are the ways you can rock that vintage brooch and still look amazing and also trendy! 

1. Brooch as a hair accessory

That was me being dolled up......for that classy and sophisticated look...get an up-do hairstyle then clip the brooch sideways and you good to go!(I didn't have the brooch here but am sure you get what I mean..right?) Wear your red lipstick and have your classy look in less than five minutes.

2. Brooch with a scarf

My new combo for scarfs and trust me, it has become more of an obsession....I mean a lady should always be two things; Classy and's very easy to achieve this...just have your scarf...have the ties...then clip the brooch! As easy as that....

3. Brooch with a necklace

Pair the above brooch with a gold/silver chain....

Either of the two would look best...just have your chain/necklace and insert the brooch so that it looks like a pendant and you have your amazing look! Especially if wearing a strapless outfit...the brooch will automatically spice up the look! 

If you happen to have can decide to have it as a choker then have the brooch appear on the side...get a thin scarf, insert the brooch and tie it on your neck! I did this and it turned out to be lovely...what you need to do is have that perfect up-do hairstyle...then a little makeup to achieve that smokey eye effect and then some nude lipstick-perfect! Ever heard of this saying, "Nudity is beautiful?"

4. Brooch with a sash 

You have attended weddings at some point or it happens that you are one of the maids and you need to wear this maxi dress that you bought. How do you make it look stylish?
This is what you do....if you are one of the maids and the bride insists that you guys have to wear clothes with a sash (which to me I find it so cliche...), then get a brooch that compliments with the color theme...tie a knot with the sash, then add the brooch...!

5. Brooch with a blazer

Another fab want to spice up that 'all white look' which is of course the fashion trend as we speak! Then have a simple brooch with a bit of color and spice up that blazer and look like a boss!

So what you need to do is 'you gotta act like a woman and think like a man' I second Jennifer Hudson on that!!! And that's my style secret....what you need to do is just let your imagination go wild and see what comes of it!

Lovely weekend guys!!

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