Monday 28 July 2014

Red is the color of extremes.

The color RED is the color of's the color of passionate love. Ever wondered why the color is so popular? Just a quick many countries have the color red in their national flags? many, right? Kenya is one of them! You can give the other examples later....

Ever heard of this saying...."When in doubt wear red..?" also, in case of doubt, overdress! And by overdressing I mean, decide to do the mix and match thingy! Ever found yourself wearing for example a red jacket, black dress, red earrings, black watch, red shoes, black handbag, red lip, red bra...(hides) and maybe even have you knickers being red.! Take a look at this lady..who happens to be me!!!!!

Red trench coat: H&M
Red heels: M&M
Black and white dress: Brima

Now that selfies have been trending...I introduce *flawies* see the shoes right there taken next to the flower..and hence that name flawies...or should I say *FLOWERIES*...nah it doesn't sound dope! so I will go for flawies...
Shoes collection: M&M 

Red Moschino: M&M 

Valentine's day is always associated with this color because it's romantic...but then, since you don't want to be "people wear red" on this particular day which by the way is so cliche..many people decide to be just normal...which is by the way so cool...I mean why wear red only on this day? Love is in the air C'mon!!!

Back to my red dress code....

As a lady you can't afford to miss this color in your's not only the LBD...LRD should also be among your little little dresses.

The holiday is super excited!!

Thanks for dropping by yah!

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