Monday 7 July 2014

#Monday things!!


One of those days one feels like time is really look at your watch and it still looks like that minute hand has not moved one bit!

But since today is just one of those days that am really not sure of what to do....I will spend sometime writing something and of course uploading pics to my blog page. It's better than being idol...right?

With me,I have some old pics and recent ones just taken at random and it kinda made me I always say, "A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous"....but of course that's not me who said that....this was a phrase by *Coco Channel*. 

Look: Natural hair spiced up with a little flower band

Feeling sporty I would say...same day but decided to add the sun glasses and I think I killed the look...that's Kendy for you. I really love me!!

Don't you all love that hairstyle? am sure someone if not all love the hair...wanna know my hairdresser? okay okay in a minute...initially the hair didn't have the fringe...but since I wanted to have a different look, decided to comb it in a different style...and boom! it just came out perfectly!!! thanks to style network.....

Hairdresser: Moza
Earrings: Pearls (Moza)

The polka of my best tops....

Up and about look....

Allow me to say, this what I had for you guys...just pics....

Enjoy your week guys!!!

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